Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Businesses to Reach For the Skies With Cloud Computing

While we still have a ways to go when it comes to cloud computing, there are a lot of potentially, Computer, Hardware, massive benefits that it can afford businesses today. Its implications in company productivity and possibly, longevity, simply cannot be, Computer, Hardware, overlooked.Cloud Computing BasicsCloud computing operates on the premise that if there are computers switched on but being unused for the majority of the time, all this underutilized power can be accessed so that people can distribute computing jobs across users to get more things done.Today, cloud computing enables users to access computers and servers through the Internet to assist you with tasks that might otherwise be too huge for a single desktop to accomplish. This means that you no longer have to worry about the capacity of your computer hardware to handle data as these can be shared. You now have some sort of virtual workspace and virtual resources that you can take advantage of.AdvantagesOne of the components of cloud computing is software as a service or SaaS. SaaS allows you to pay for a service that gives you access to applications that you can operate through your browser, as opposed to paying one time for each software that you will be needing, Computer, Hardware, .There are a number of advantages to SaaS, foremost of which is that, Computer, Hardware, since it is available through the Internet, your data is also accessible from any location that has Internet access. And since the application isn’t restricted to a single desktop, any staff member can also access the software. Not only does this increase productivity,,, Computer, Hardware, Computer, Hardware, it also has savings implications and diminishes the hazards associated with storing applications in a physical hardware. Should there be problems with your equipment, your information, Computer, Hardware, isn’t compromised as it doesn’t physically exist within that equipment.This lessens the need for a dedicated IT team as the SaaS provider will be doing all the management, troubleshooting and maintenance for your organization. There is no need to worry about backing up your files, installing or re-installing software and so on.The implications on software developers and service providers are also significant. Cloud computing could pave the way for cutting edge innovations that were previously not possible or extremely difficult to execute because of hardware inadequacies. Because of these possibilities also, more new players can start providing cloud computing services.Adopting cloud computing in business will certainly expose employees to different types of technology and this can contribute significantly to the improvement of skill sets – something that will be of great import if you are to effectively compete with your rivals.ChallengesNaturally, there still some challenges that need to be addressed, Computer, Hardware, with cloud computing which is why many companies are not so keen on adopting it for their operations. Security is a major issue and justifiably so. All your business information will essentially be housed in the cloud and the potential of unauthorized access poses huge risks, Computer, Hardware, . There are also management issues associated with the cloud. Since it will be managed, Computer, Hardware, by third party vendors, companies, Computer, Hardware, fear they may not be able to exercise control over valuable resources. GP

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